Roger Bart, known for his Tony Award-winning performance as "Snoopy" in You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown, also made a notable appearance in the stage production of King David, showcasing his versatile talent across both musical and dramatic roles. more...
Michael X. Martin, a seasoned actor with eighteen Broadway shows to his credit, including "Wicked" and "Ragtime," brought his extensive experience to the cast of "King David," showcasing his versatility honed through performances at prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall. more...
Alice Ripley, known for her Tony Award-winning performance as Diana in Next to Normal, brought her extraordinary talent to King David, adding to her impressive repertoire of unforgettable Broadway roles. more...
Ron Sharpe, known for his unique achievement of playing both Marius and Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables" on Broadway, also starred in Disney's "King David" alongside Sir Tim Rice and Alan Menken. more...
Sally Wilfert, known for her diverse roles on Broadway, including her performance in King David, has also showcased her talent in national tours, Off-Broadway shows, and prestigious concert venues across the country. more...