Fred Burrell, who graced both Broadway and Off-Broadway stages, was known for his compelling performance in the historical drama *Judgment at Nuremberg*. more...
Patricia Conolly, who graced Broadway with her performance in "Judgment at Nuremberg," has an extensive theater background including notable productions such as "The Last Romance" at the Old Globe in San Diego and multiple appearances at Lincoln Center Theater and the Roundabout Theatre Company. more...
Jack Davidson, who has an extensive Broadway resume including a notable performance in "Judgment at Nuremberg," has also been active Off-Broadway and in film and television, with credits such as "Footloose 2" and "Law & Order." more...
Robert Foxworth, known for his extensive career in theater, film, and television, starred in the Broadway production of "Judgment at Nuremberg," showcasing his enduring passion for the stage even amidst his success in Hollywood. more...
Peter Francis James, who portrayed a key role in *Judgment at Nuremberg*, has an extensive career that includes notable Broadway performances such as *Present Laughter* with Kevin Kline and *The Merchant of Venice* with Al Pacino. more...