Manhattan Concert Productions (MCP) has announced the tenth installment of its Broadway Series with a 50th Anniversary Celebration of the critically-acclaimed musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, for one night only in Lincoln Center's David Geffen Hall. This concert performance will feature a chorus of over 200 singers from more...
You Are What You Feel
Jacob and Sons
Joseph's Coat
Joseph's Dreams
Poor, Poor Joseph
One More Angel in Heaven
Close Every Door
Go, Go, Go Joseph
Pharaoh's Story
Poor, Poor Pharaoh
Song of the King
Pharaoh's Dream Explained
Stone the Crows
Those Canaan Days
The Brothers Come to Egypt
Grovel, Grovel
Who's the Thief?
Benjamin Calypso
Joseph All the Time
Jacob in Egypt
Any Dream Will Do
Joseph Megamix