Valda Aviks, known for her extensive theatre work including roles in "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Les Miserables," was also a notable cast member in "Jerry Springer: The Opera" at the National Theatre, Cambridge Theatre, and on its UK Tour. more...
David Bedella, who made his London debut in 2002 by creating the role of Warm Up Man/Satan in the legendary "Jerry Springer: The Opera," won the 2004 Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Musical for his performance in the show. more...
Michael Brandon, who earned an Olivier Award nomination for his portrayal of Jerry Springer in "Jerry Springer – The Opera" at the National Theatre and Cambridge, has an extensive career spanning theatre, film, television, radio, and voice work. more...
Tania Mathurin, a versatile performer with extensive West End credits, was part of the original cast of "Jerry Springer: The Opera" at the National Theatre and Cambridge Theatre, and she, along with the ensemble, received the 2004 Olivier Award for Best Supporting Actor for their work in the production. more...
Ryan Molloy, who previously showcased his talent in the NT production of Jerry Springer: The Opera at the Cambridge Theatre, is now making his Broadway debut in Jersey Boys, having originated the role in the London cast and earning an Olivier Award nomination. more...
Jo Napthine, a seasoned West End performer with over 20 years of experience, showcased her talents in 'Jerry Springer: The Opera' at The National Theatre. more...
Alastair Parker, a seasoned actor trained at the Guildford School of Acting and the Royal Academy of Music, showcased his versatile talent in various productions, including his notable performance in "Jerry Springer: The Opera" at the National Theatre, Edinburgh Festival, and Battersea Arts Centre. more...
Lucy Vandi, a Mountview Theatre School alumna, showcased her versatile talent in the National Theatre's production of Jerry Springer: The Opera, which also had a run at the Cambridge Theatre. more...
Annabelle Williams, who won the Olivier Award for Best Performance in a Supporting Role for her portrayal of Andrea/Ensemble in Jerry Springer: The Opera during its UK Tour, NT, and Cambridge Theatre run, has an impressive array of theatre credits. more...