Broadway's Gothic musical thriller based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel of similar name, JEKYLL & HYDE tells the story of London scientist Dr. Henry Jekyll (played by Constantine Maroulis), who accidentally creates a potion that changes him into a murderous alter ego dubbed Edward Hyde. As Hyde’s uncontrolable violent rampages continue, Jekyll must figure out a way to stop the transformations before it results in deadly consequences for his fiancée Emma and Lucy (played by Diana DeGarmo), a protitute named who has fallen for the doctor. With a book and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse and music by Frank Wildhorn, the soaring score features powerful and romantic songs including “This Is The Moment,†“In His Eyes,†Someone Like You,†and “A New Life.â€
1990 | Regional (US) |
World Premiere Regional (US) |
1997 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
1999 | US Tour |
National Tour US Tour |
2004 |
Concert Reading |
2004 |
Concert Reading |
2012 | US Tour |
Nederlander Presentations, Inc. National Tour US Tour |
2013 | Broadway |
Broadway |
2018 | Beverly, MA (Regional) |
North Shore Music Theatre Production Beverly, MA (Regional) |