Holly Davis, known for her performances in productions such as Sister Act on Broadway and The Marvelous Wonderettes, also graced the stage in Is There Life After High School? more...
Jeffrey Doornbos, known for his diverse roles across film, television, and theater, showcased his talent in "Is There Life After High School?" directed by Craig Carnelia at the York Theatre. more...
Chris Fuller, who brought his unique athletic prowess to the stage, was a cast member of "Is There Life After High School?" in the past, showcasing his diverse talents beyond his impressive golf career. more...
Garrett Long, known for his Broadway roles in Dear Evan Hansen and Fun Home, brings his extensive experience to the stage, including his memorable performance in Is There Life After High School? more...
Greg Roderick has an extensive theater background, including a notable performance in the Off-Broadway production of "Is There Life After High School?" at the York Theatre. more...