Alice Austen lived an astonishing life - one powerfully relevant and meaningful to us today. In addition to her photography, she was one of the first women tennis players in America, a sailor, a musician, a horseback rider, one of the first American women to own a car, a sheriff more...
in Staten Island, an ambulance driver in the first World War, a world traveler - and late in life a pauper, seemingly forgotten - except to Gertrude Tate, Alice's life partner of 50 years. Her life experience was broad and profound, rich in love and in loss and, finally, redemption. Alice Austen's photographs tell a story of America, and her own life is a story of freedom. Her journey - to live a true, vigorous and rich life at whatever cost - is the story of our musical - the story of a true American icon - who lived life on her own terms, who was willing to the pay the price for her choices - and left a legacy of greatness.
IF YOU COULD SEE: THE ALICE AUSTEN STORY produced by Sundog Theatre, Susan Fenley, Executive and Artistic Director; Book & Lyrics by Jeffrey Harper, Music by Louis Tucci; directed by Cynthia Cahill.