Jason Butler Harner, known for his role as Agent Roy Petty on Netflix's "Ozark," previously graced the stage in the Roundabout Theatre Company's production of "Hedda Gabler," showcasing his extensive theatrical experience that includes an OBIE Award and multiple Drama Desk nominations. more...
Elizabeth Marvel, who earned an OBIE Award for her performance in "Hedda Gabler," boasts an impressive array of Broadway credits including "Top Girls" and "The Seagull," and has also shone in numerous Off-Broadway productions such as "Almost an Evening" and "A Streetcar Named Desire." more...
Mary Beth Peil, an Obie Award-winning and two-time Tony Award-nominated actress, brought her extensive experience from opera, stage, and screen to the cast of Hedda Gabler, showcasing the depth of her versatile career. more...
John Douglas Thompson, known for his powerful performances in productions such as Othello and The Iceman Cometh, brought his award-winning talent to Hedda Gabler. more...
Awards and Nominations
2005 The Lortels
Outstanding Lead Actress: Elizabeth Marvel was nominated but did not win.