Michael Cumpsty, who earned an Obie Award for his portrayal of Hamlet at the Classic Stage Company, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, television, and film, including notable performances in "Boardwalk Empire" and "Eat Pray Love." more...
MacIntyre Dixon, known for his extensive Broadway credits including "Beauty and The Beast" and "The Crucible," also brought his talent to Off-Broadway productions such as "Hamlet" and "The Tempest." more...
Curt Hostetter, who played Trebonius and Strato in the 2000 production of Julius Caesar at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City, also stepped in as Brutus during the run. more...
Dana Ivey, a five-time Tony Award nominee, brought her acclaimed talent to the stage in Hamlet, having previously won the 1997 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play for her performances in Sex and Longing and The Last Night of Ballyhoo. more...
Peter Francis James, who played Florenz Ziegfeld, has an extensive theater background including a notable performance in "Hamlet" at the NY Public Theater. more...
Kevin Kline, a distinguished actor in both theatre and film, has portrayed the title role in two productions of Hamlet, earning an Obie Award for Sustained Achievement in Theatre for the first and five Drama Desk nominations for the second, which he also directed. more...
Erik Knutsen, a Juilliard-trained actor, showcased his talent in the Public Theater's production of Hamlet, following notable performances in As You Like It at Syracuse Stage and The Tempest at the Round About Theater. more...
Brian Murray, a Tony-nominated actor with a commanding stage presence and rich voice, brought his extensive theatrical experience to the stage in past productions such as "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" and "The Crucible," both of which earned him Tony nominations. more...