Betty Buckley, who earned critical acclaim for her role in Gypsy during her regional theatre career, is best known for her Tony Award-winning performance as Grizabella in Cats and her extensive work across stage, film, and television. more...
Laura Bell Bundy, known for her Tony-nominated performance as Elle Woods in *Legally Blonde The Musical*, has also graced the stage as Glinda in *Wicked* and received acclaim for her role in *Sweet Charity*, showcasing her versatility and talent in the theater world. more...
Deborah Gibson, who dazzled audiences as Gypsy Rose Lee in "Gypsy," has proven her versatile talent across both the pop music scene and the Broadway stage over the past two decades. more...
Joe Machota showcased his talent in the Paper Mill Playhouse production of Arthur Laurents and Stephen Sondheim's "Gypsy," sharing the stage with notable performers such as Betty Buckley and Deborah Gibson. more...
Jana Robbins, who played the role of Mazeppa in the Broadway production of *Gypsy* and stood in for Tyne Daly as Mama Rose for 40 performances, has an extensive career as a Tony, Olivier, and Drama Desk Award-winning producer, actor, and director. more...
Allison Siko, known for her role as "Kathleen" on NBC's "Law and Order: SVU," showcased her early talent as Baby Louise in Paper Mill Playhouse's production of Gypsy, starring Betty Buckley and Debbie Gibson. more...
Thom Christopher Warren, who played Yonkers/Pastey in the Paper Mill production of Gypsy, has an extensive career in Broadway, regional theater, and concerts, including roles in The Lion King and Once Upon a Mattress. more...