Jonathan Hadary, who earned a Tony nomination for his role in Gypsy, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, film, and television, with notable performances in productions such as Spamalot, Torch Song Trilogy, and the national tour of Angels in America. more...
Nancy Melius, who previously charmed audiences as Rumpleteazer in the National IV Tour of Cats, graced the Broadway stage as Hollywood Blonde in Gypsy. more...
Bruce Moore made his Broadway debut in "Gypsy," starring Tyne Daly, marking the beginning of a distinguished career that spans Broadway, Off-Broadway, Disney animated features, and national tours. more...
Jana Robbins, a Tony, Olivier, and Drama Desk Award-winning producer, actor, and director, played the role of Mazeppa in the musical *Gypsy* on Broadway, while also standing by for Tyne Daly as Mama Rose, a role she performed to critical acclaim for 40 shows. more...
Craig Waletzko, who has an extensive background in theater, previously showcased his talents as Eddie Ryan in "Funny Girl" at both the North Carolina Theater and Barrington Stage in 2003. more...
Awards and Nominations
1990 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical: Jonathan Hadary was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical: Crista Moore was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical: Tyne Daly won.
1989 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Featured Actor - Musical: Jonathan Hadary was nominated but did not win.
Outstanding Featured Actress - Musical : Crista Moore was nominated but did not win.