Angel Desai, known for her Off-Broadway performances in The Winter’s Tale (2003) and The Tempest (2008), made her Broadway debut as Marta in the Tony Award-winning 2006 revival of Stephen Sondheim’s Company. more...
Lizan Mitchell, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including roles in productions like "Gum," has also graced Broadway stages in shows such as "Electra" and "Having Our Say." more...
Juan Rivera Lebron, a Carnegie Mellon University BFA graduate and recipient of the prestigious Fox Foundation Resident Actor Fellowship, was a member of the U.S. delegation to the Unesco/ITI World Congress in Madrid in 2008. more...
Daphne Rubin-Vega, renowned for her Tony-nominated roles as Mimi in RENT and Conchita in Anna in the Tropics, also originated the role of Rahmi in Gum, showcasing her versatility across both stage and screen. more...