Tituss Burgess, who has earned acclaim for his role on The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, showcased his remarkable stage talents in Broadway's Good Vibrations, among other notable productions. more...
Janet Dacal, who played Surfer Girl in the past Broadway production of Good Vibrations, is thrilled to be returning to Broadway with New York, New York. more...
David Larsen, who played the lead role of Bobby in the Broadway production of Good Vibrations, has had a diverse career spanning from off-Broadway productions to notable roles in shows like Billy Elliot and American Idiot on Broadway. more...
John Jeffrey Martin, who starred as Troy Bolton in the national tour of Disney's High School Musical, has also graced the Broadway stage in productions such as Kinky Boots, Rocky Horror Show, Hairspray, and the past hit Good Vibrations. more...
Kate Reinders, who played Caroline in the 2005 jukebox musical *Good Vibrations*, has had an illustrious career on Broadway, including starring roles in *Gypsy* and *Something Rotten!*, as well as a notable turn as Glinda in *Wicked*. more...
Brandon Wardell, an award-winning actor, musician, and producer, showcased his versatile talents in *Good Vibrations*, among other notable Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. more...