This epic tale follows the powerful story of two U.S soldiers, the soulful Private Prewitt played by Derek Carley and ardent Sergeant Warden, played by Kevin Aichele, as they embark on doomed and dangerous love affairs with the wrong women. The sultry wife of G Company's commanding officer, Karen Holmes, is played by Robyn Hurder, and Lorene, the beautiful escort who is looking to make a better life for herself, is played by Jenna Nicole Schoen. As the infamous date of December 7th approaches, the claustrophobic world of the four lovers and the desperation of the soldiers of G Company splinter amidst an escalating war. The compelling story of men at war along with a fantastic new score is not to be missed.
2013 | West End |
West End Original Production West End |
2017 | Regional (US) |
North American Premiere Regional (US) |