Kristen Johnston, known for her Emmy-winning role on "3rd Rock from the Sun," brought her versatile talent to the stage in "Five Very Live," showcasing her extensive experience in both Broadway and off-Broadway performances. more...
Neil Pepe, who directed the acclaimed revival of David Mamet’s *Speed-the-Plow* on Broadway, brought his extensive experience and artistic vision to *Five Very Live*. more...
David Pittu, a versatile actor, writer, and director, showcased his multifaceted talent in "Five Very Live," adding to his impressive resume that includes standout performances in "The House of Blue Leaves" and "LoveMusik." more...
Celia Schaefer, known for her dynamic stage presence and versatile acting skills, previously captivated audiences in the acclaimed production of "Five Very Live," showcasing her exceptional talent in a memorable performance. more...
Robin Spielberg, a founding member of the Atlantic Theater Company who appeared in numerous productions during the 1980s and 1990s, has since transitioned to a successful career as a pianist and composer, performing at prestigious venues such as Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall and embarking on international tours, including three through South Korea. more...