Jennifer Byrne, who played Linda in the original Off-Broadway cast recording of Evil Dead: The Musical, is thrilled to join the cast of Nevermore! more...
Tom Walker, who brought his extensive theatrical experience to the stage, was a standout in Evil Dead: The Musical, adding to his diverse portfolio that includes roles such as Puck in Britten’s MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM and Rudy in BENT. more...
Brandon Wardell, an award-winning actor, musician, and producer, earned an Outer Critics Circle nomination for his performance in "Evil Dead: The Musical," showcasing his versatile talent on and off Broadway. more...
Ryan Williams, who previously showcased his talents in the Off-Broadway production "The Sphinx Winx" at the Beckett Theatre in 2011, brought his dynamic stage presence to the cast of "Evil Dead: The Musical." more...