Hunter Foster, who originated the role of Bobby Strong in the Broadway and Off-Broadway productions of Urinetown, showcased his versatility as an actor by performing in the regional production of Little Shop of Horrors as Seymour in the summer of 2003. more...
Richard Masur, known for his extensive 51-year career in film and television, appeared in the Off-Broadway production of "Two Jews, Talking," showcasing his versatile talent in a variety of roles on stage and screen. more...
DeLance Minefee, who has an extensive and diverse background in performance including a tour of the Mississippi Delta as a Storyteller and performing Greek tragedy at the Moscow Art Theatre, brings his rich theatrical experience to the cast of Dust. more...
Elizabeth Olsen, who starred as Juliet in the 2003 off-Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet at the Classic Stage Company, has since become widely recognized for her role as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. more...