Cougar The Musical is an original, four person show about three divine but disillusioned women who unleash their "inner cougar" by dating younger men (played by one very sexy actor) and in the process, find self-love and empowerment. The multi-talented cast sing and dance their way through songs ranging from more...
grinding blues to doo wop, to pop to "Julio", a romantic ballad sung to a vibrator. Hilarious, soulful and heartwarming, Cougar the Musical is a madcap ride from Cougar Bar to nail salon to boudoir and back as the women learn to say "yes" to getting older, "yes" to trust and friendship and "yes" to embracing their lives.
Broadway World- "Cougar the Musical is a fun, fast-paced, intelligent, sexy show (with fine direction and choreography byLynne Taylor-Corbett) that could have a long run at the St. Luke's (or any other Off-Broadway house), not the least of which because it should be extremely popular with middle-aged women tourists looking for a guilty pleasure they can take back home and talk about with their friends. Heck, if my wife lets me, I may even go back a few more times just to watch those would-be cougar ladies in the audience enjoy themselves. Who knows? They may even think I'm still cute enough that they'll want to pinch my cheeks-all four of them."