Christopher Fitzgerald, known for his extensive work on Broadway including his award-winning performances in "Waitress" and "Finian's Rainbow," also appeared in the Manhattan Theatre Club's production of "Corpus Christi." more...
Michael C. Hall, known for his award-winning roles on television in "Dexter" and "Six Feet Under," showcased his versatility on stage with performances in a variety of productions, including his role in the Manhattan Theatre Club’s past production of "Corpus Christi." more...
Drew McVety, who earned a Drama Desk nomination for his performance in "Corpus Christi" at MTC, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, national tours, regional theater, television, and film. more...
Jeremy Shamos, who has an extensive career in both Broadway and Off-Broadway productions, was part of the cast of "Corpus Christi," showcasing his versatile acting skills long before his acclaimed performances in shows like "Clybourne Park." more...