Boyd Gaines, who earned a Tony Award for his role in "Contact," has an illustrious career that includes starring opposite James Earl Jones and Vanessa Redgrave in the Broadway and West End productions of "Driving Miss Daisy." more...
Peter Gregus, known for his memorable roles in productions such as the original Broadway cast of "Contact" and "Jersey Boys" on both La Jolla and Broadway stages, has had a diverse career that spans from whimsical performances as an elf to notable stage highlights alongside industry greats. more...
Stacey Todd Holt, who previously graced Broadway in Rocky, has an impressive list of credits including Elf, Cry-Baby, and The Drowsy Chaperone, and was also part of the cast of the Broadway production of Contact. more...
Karen Ziemba won the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical in 2000 for her role as "the timid, abused mafioso's wife" in Susan Stroman's Contact. more...