Gabriel Barre, who has an extensive career as both a director and actor, was part of the cast of "Children of the Sun," bringing his wealth of experience from notable productions such as the original off-Broadway production of Andrew Lippa’s "The Wild Party" and the national tour of "Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella." more...
Tovah Feldshuh, who has garnered numerous accolades including six Emmy and Tony nominations, previously captivated audiences with her performance in *Children of the Sun*. more...
Elizabeth Franz, a distinguished actress known for her extensive work in theater, film, and television, brought her remarkable talent to the stage in "Children of the Sun," adding another notable performance to her illustrious career. more...
Richard Leighton, a seasoned actor with a rich history in stage and screen, brought his extensive experience to the cast of *Children of the Sun*, showcasing his versatility and dedication to the craft. more...