Alan Ariano, known for his versatile performances in productions such as "The King and I" and "Miss Saigon," brought his talent to the stage in "Chee-Chee," adding to his extensive Broadway resume. more...
Rose Bae, a graduate of NYU with a Master of Arts in Theatre and Vocal Performance, has notable New York theatre credits including her performance in "Chee-Chee," "My Favorite Year," and "The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen." more...
Steven Eng, co-founder of the National Asian Artists Project and an accomplished actor with credits including "The King and I" (West End) and an IRNE-nominated performance in "Pacific Overtures," showcased his versatile talent in "Chee-Chee." more...
Diane Phelan, known for her diverse background and extensive international experience, brought her talents to the stage in "Chee-Chee," adding another notable performance to her impressive career that includes roles in "WEST SIDE STORY" across Europe and Asia and the original Broadway cast of "THE KING AND I" at Lincoln Center. more...
Hazel Anne Raymundo, known for her Broadway roles in "Pacific Overtures" and "Avenue Q," brought her extensive experience from national and European tours of "Miss Saigon" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" to "Chee-Chee." more...