Carolyn McCormick, renowned for her extensive career in film, television, and theater, showcased her versatile talent in the past productions of "Celebration" and "The Room," further solidifying her status as an accomplished actress. more...
Mary Beth Peil, an Obie Award-winning and two-time Tony Award-nominated actress, showcased her versatility as an ensemble member of Atlantic Theater Company, where she appeared in productions such as The Room. more...
David Pittu, known for his versatile talents on and off Broadway, notably appeared in the past productions of "Celebration" and "The Room," showcasing his dynamic range as an actor. more...
Thomas Jay Ryan, known for his acclaimed performances in productions such as "In the Next Room, The Vibrator Play" on Broadway, brings a wealth of experience from both stage and screen to his role in "Celebration" and "The Room." more...