Peter Bartlett, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in Something Rotten and Cinderella, previously showcased his talents in Encores!' production of Call Me Madam. more...
Michael Berresse, known for his extensive Broadway and Off-Broadway work, appeared in the Encores! production of *Call Me Madam*, showcasing his versatile talent in both musical theatre and acting. more...
Walter Charles, who graced the stage in numerous Broadway productions including Sweeney Todd and Cats, brought his extensive theatrical experience to the cast of Call Me Madam during its past performances. more...
Lewis Cleale, known for his extensive work on Broadway including roles in "Book of Mormon" and "Sondheim on Sondheim," also shone in the Encores! production of "Call Me Madam," which is featured among his numerous recordings. more...
Tyne Daly, a distinguished actress with a Tony Award for her role in Gypsy: A Musical Fable, showcased her versatility in numerous stage productions, including her portrayal of Emma Goldman in Ragtime and her Broadway debut in That Summer—That Fall, adding depth to her illustrious career which also included a past performance in Call Me Madam. more...
MacIntyre Dixon, known for his extensive Broadway credits including "1776" and "Beauty and The Beast," brought his versatile talent to the cast of "Call Me Madam," adding to his impressive repertoire of stage performances. more...
Melissa Errico, known for her standout performances in Broadway musicals like Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady and Kurt Weill's One Touch of Venus, brought her exceptional talent to the cast of Call Me Madam, showcasing her versatility and deep connection to musical theater classics. more...
Colleen Fitzpatrick, a seasoned Broadway veteran with over 30 years of experience, showcased her talent in "Call Me Madam" during its City Center Encores! production, adding to her extensive list of theater credits. more...
Michael Hayward-Jones, who has an extensive background in Broadway and national tours including his role in Call Me Madam, recently performed in Kander & Ebb's The Visit, starring Chita Rivera. more...
Amy Heggins, a native New Yorker and former company member of Hubbard Street, brings her extensive Broadway experience, including her recent performance in Spamalot, to the cast of Call Me Madam. more...
JoAnn M. Hunter, who has an extensive background with 20 Broadway shows to her credit as a choreographer, associate choreographer, and performer, brings her rich experience to the cast of *Call Me Madam*, a production that graced the stage more...
Simon Jones, known for his Broadway performances in shows such as "The Real Thing" and "Blithe Spirit," as well as his iconic TV roles in "Brideshead Revisited" and "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," brought his extensive stage experience to "Call Me Madam." more...
Darren Lee, a versatile performer with a rich history in both acting and choreography, has an impressive Broadway resume that includes roles in shows like *Miss Saigon* and *Thoroughly Modern Millie*. Notably, he also showcased his talents in *Call Me Madam*, demonstrating his enduring impact on the stage in productions from the past. more...
Ken Page, renowned for his role as Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas, brought his exceptional talent to the stage in the past with his participation in the original Broadway productions of The Wiz and Ain’t Misbehavin’, and notably appeared in a past production of Call Me Madam, showcasing his versatility and enduring presence in the theater world. more...
Rebecca Spencer, known for her extensive career in both opera and musical theatre, has performed in over fifty productions including notable roles in Jekyll and Hyde and Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular, and was a principal cast member in Call Me Madam. more...