Ebony Blake, known for her diverse roles in theater and television, previously captivated audiences in the Classical Theatre of Harlem's production of Black Nativity. more...
Phyre Hawkins, who previously performed in a regional production of Black Nativity, continues to shine on Broadway with her role in The Book of Mormon. more...
Tracy Jack, a versatile actor, dancer, director, and choreographer, showcased her talents as the choreographer for "The Black Nativity" at Duke on 42nd Street. more...
Laiona Michelle, who has garnered acclaim for her multifaceted talents as a writer and actress, brought her dynamic presence to the stage in a past production of Black Nativity, further solidifying her reputation in the theatrical world. more...
Tryphena Wade, a multi-dimensional artist and Howard University alumna, showcased her talents in the Off-Broadway production of Black Nativity, among other notable performances. more...
Rejinald Woods, an accomplished performer hailing from Florida and a University of Central Florida alum, brought his talents to the stage in a past production of Black Nativity. more...
Awards and Nominations
2008 The Lortels
Outstanding Lead Actor: André De Shields was nominated but did not win.
2007 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actor in a Musical: André De Shields was nominated but did not win.