Bert Michaels, born on December 22, 1943, in New York City, is renowned for his roles in iconic films such as West Side Story (1961), Saturday Night Fever (1977), and Enchanted (2007), and was also a part of the cast of Baker Street more...
Jay Norman, renowned for his roles in "West Side Story" (1961) and "King of the Gypsies" (1978), brought his remarkable talent to the cast of "Baker Street" during its run. more...
Inga Swenson, a versatile actress and trained lyric soprano, earned a Tony Award nomination for her role as Irene Adler in the 1965 Broadway production of Baker Street. more...
Christopher Walken, whose diverse career began on Broadway, brought his unique talent to the stage in "Baker Street," before becoming an Academy Award-winning actor known for his roles in films like "The Deer Hunter" and "Catch Me If You Can." more...