Women's Project Presents APPLE COVE, Previews 1/29/2011
by BWW
News Desk - Jan 29, 2011
Women's Project, the 33-year-old non-profit theater dedicated to producing plays written and directed by women, announced at its annual meeting Tuesday night (11/16) that it will present the premiere of Lynn Rosen's comedy, Apple Cove, directed by Giovanna Sardelli and starring Cassie Beck, Paul Carlin, Erin Gann, Allison Mack and Dion Mucciacito.
Women's Project Presents APPLE COVE, Previews 1/29/2011
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 22, 2010
Women's Project, the 33-year-old non-profit theater dedicated to producing plays written and directed by women, announced at its annual meeting Tuesday night (11/16) that it will present the premiere of Lynn Rosen's comedy, Apple Cove, directed by Giovanna Sardelli and starring Cassie Beck, Paul Carlin, Erin Gann, Allison Mack and Dion Mucciacito.