Jon DeVries, who portrayed a compelling character in "Agamemnon," is an acclaimed American actor known for his extensive career on stage, screen, and television, including notable performances in "The Price" and "The Whale." more...
Paul Kreppel, with a distinguished career spanning over fifty years from Boston improv to NYC's Lincoln Center, and a Tony Award for his work with WetRock Entertainment, was thrilled to be part of the remarkable production of Agamemnon. more...
Diane Lane last graced the New York stage in the New York Shakespeare Festival's production of Agamemnon at the Vivian Beaumont Theater, showcasing her versatile talent that has also earned her Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for her film work. more...
William Parry, known for his diverse Broadway roles including "Sunday in the Park with George" and "Jesus Christ Superstar," also brought his talent to the stage in "Agamemnon." more...