Nancy Anderson, known for her Olivier and Hayes-nominated performance in "Kiss Me Kate," brought her extensive stage experience to "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." more...
Heather Ayers, known for her versatile performances in Broadway hits like Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein and Trevor Nunn's A Little Night Music, brought her talent to the stage in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
Jason Danieley, who has an illustrious career with notable Broadway credits such as Chicago and Next to Normal, also graced the Off-Broadway stage in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
Joseph Dellger, known for his Broadway roles in Porgy and Bess, Lestat, and Ragtime, brings his extensive regional experience, including performances in Phantom…Opera and Camelot, to the cast of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
John Ellison Conlee, known for his versatile performances on both stage and screen, brought his extensive experience from productions like "The Full Monty" and "1776" to his role in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." more...
Lorin Latarro, who has an impressive resume including choreographing Broadway hits like INTO THE WOODS and WAITRESS, was part of the creative team for A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
Mark Ledbetter, known for his Broadway performances in shows like "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" and "Mary Poppins," was also a part of the cast in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." more...
Jess LeProtto, known for his Broadway performances in Hello, Dolly! and Cats, was part of the talented cast of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, showcasing his versatility and experience from productions like Newsies and The Boy From Oz. more...
Karyn Overstreet, who has an extensive background in both Broadway and regional theatre, appeared Off-Broadway in a concert version of *A Tree Grows in Brooklyn* with City Center’s Encore Series. more...
Jeffrey Schecter, known for his roles in Broadway's Nice Work If You Can Get It and A Chorus Line, brought his talent to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
Emily Skinner, known for her Broadway roles in The Cher Show and Side Show, showcased her talent in the City Center Encores! production of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. more...
Jennifer Hope Wills, who graced the stage in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," began her theatrical journey in Baltimore before moving to Ocean City, MD, where her family's perseverance in the arts laid the foundation for her successful career. more...
Tony Yazbeck, known for his acclaimed performances in Broadway hits such as On The Town and Gypsy, brings his extensive theatrical experience to the cast of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, enriching the production with his award-winning talent and dynamic stage presence. more...