Amelia Campbell, a versatile actress known for her Tony-nominated performance in Our Country's Good, also graced the stage in A Small Family Business, showcasing her extensive experience on Broadway. more...
Patricia Conolly, who graced Broadway with her performance in "A Small Family Business," boasts an extensive career with notable roles in productions such as "The Last Romance" at the Old Globe and numerous appearances on Broadway and in esteemed theaters worldwide. more...
Caroline Lagerfelt, who has an extensive Broadway career including a role in "A Small Family Business" directed by Lynne Meadow, has also garnered acclaim Off-Broadway with an Obie Award for her performances. more...
Brian Murray, a Tony-nominated actor celebrated for his commanding stage presence and rich voice, appeared in "A Small Family Business" in the past, adding to his extensive and distinguished career in theater. more...
Robert Stanton, who graced the Broadway stage in productions like "Ink," "Saint Joan," "Mary Stuart," and notably "A Small Family Business," has an extensive and diverse career spanning theater, film, and television. more...