Set in 1900 Sweden, A Little Night Music explores the tangled web of affairs centered around actress, Desirée Armfeldt, and the men who love her: a lawyer by the name of Fredrik Egerman and the Count Carl-Magnus Malcom. When the traveling actress performs in Fredrik's town, the estranged lovers' passion more...
rekindles. This strikes a flurry of jealousy and suspicion between Desirée; Fredrik; Fredrick's wife, Anne; Desirée's current lover, the Count; and the Count's wife, Charlotte. Both men - as well as their jealous wives - agree to join Desirée and her family for a weekend in the country at Desirée's mother's estate. With everyone in one place, infinite possibilities of new romances and second chances bring endless surprises.
A Little Night Music is full of hilariously witty and heartbreakingly moving moments of adoration, regret and desire. This dramatic musical celebration of love perfectly showcases its harmonically advanced score and masterful orchestrations, and contains Sondheim's popular song, the haunting "Send in the Clowns."