In the New York premiere of Bill Cain's dramatic, compelling, and visceral thriller, Daniel Reeves is arrested and prosecuted for acts that he may have committed while serving in the U.S. Army during the Iraq War. Thrown into a labyrinth of military bureaucracy, the confused and troubled teenager tries to more...
navigate through layers of commanding officers, public defenders, pastors, lawyers and army psychiatrists. Inspired by actual events, the play received rave reviews at several of America's regional theaters. Based on the 9 Circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno, this powerful drama barrels unflinchingly forward in its descent into one man's hell.
Robert Hurwitt of The San Francisco Chronicle called the play, "a dense, fiercely performed and provocative journey."
Backstage raved that it is "an electrifying psychological drama with riveting, tour-de-force performances... with its myriad intellectual riches, this important work packs a powerful emotional punch, examining timeless social issues with insight and compassion."
"9 Circles is very close to my heart," says playwright Bill Cain. "It’s the journey of a young man who comes to understand who he is and what he has done, and that he can be empathetic with what he once thought was his enemy. It's the story of a young man who achieves greatness by doing the one necessary thing—becoming himself."