Carole Cook, known for her memorable roles in "The Lucy Show" and "Sixteen Candles," brought her seasoned talent to the stage in "70, Girls, 70." more...
Olympia Dukakis, known for her extensive and award-winning career in film, television, and theater, was a prominent figure in the New York theatre scene and appeared in numerous productions prior to her involvement in "70, Girls, 70." more...
Tina Fabrique, known for her versatile career on stage and screen, was part of the cast of "70, Girls, 70," showcasing the same dedication and talent that has earned her accolades like the Kevin Kline Award and Florida’s Carbonell Award for her performance as Ella Fitzgerald in "ELLA." more...
Anita Gillette, a celebrated actress, singer, and dancer with a prolific career in Broadway, television, and film, was part of the cast of the musical "70, Girls, 70," showcasing her versatile talent in the entertainment industry during the 1970s. more...
Patti Karr, a versatile performer with an extensive career spanning from 1950 to 2006, graced the stage in the original Broadway production of 70, Girls, 70, adding to her impressive list of credits that includes roles in Pippin, The Rink, and the 1993 revival of My Fair Lady. more...
Gerry Vichi, known for his roles in "Find Me Guilty" (2006), "Sex and the City 2" (2010), and "Man on a Ledge" (2012), was also a part of the cast in "70, Girls, 70." more...