Renton's Summer Teen Musical program, which has been providing the teens of the south end an outlet and education in theater for the past 25 years was about to be the latest victim of the economy. And so Renton Civic Theatre in collaboration with the City of Renton, stepped up to make sure that didn't happen. With Renton Civic putting up the needed funds and manpower and the City of Renton granting a rental fee waiver to allow the program to use the Carco Theatre, the show will still go on, at least for one more year. And with those efforts the teens will be putting up Jason Robert Brown's high energy, rock musical about teen angst, "13".
In "13" Evan Goldman's parents are getting a divorce. And so Evan and his Mother are forced to move from New York to a small town in Indiana. And Evan will have to figure out how to make new friends and survive in this strange land. And with this show Renton Civic is hoping that the Summer Teen Musical program will also continue to survive. "The program's been here for 25 years and it was sad to watch it go away," said Bill Huls, Artistic Director of Renton Civic Theatre, "and I looked at it as a way for Renton Civic Theatre to give back to the city of Renton and help them out." And so along with Vincent Orduna, the Cultural Arts Coordinator for the City of Renton, they set out to put up this program themselves.
But it also helped that the teens were not about to let their program die. They created a Facebook page for the effort and got over 1600 friends on it to back them up. They also attended council meetings and all that showed that there was still a great desire for the program. So now what show? Hulls and Orduna came up with a short list and put it to the teens to see what they wanted. "The big line we heard was we want 'High School Musical' but we don't want 'High School Musical'," said Huls. And Brown's "13" won out over all. It's a show the teens seem to identify with. "I really think it takes being 13 to heart," said Jaron Boggs who plays Malcom in the show, "I mean I'm 19 now so I look back and I think, 'Yeah we really were that stupid'." The show's director Random Harrison said, "It's funny, it's fun and I like the message of being who you are and it doesn't matter what other people think so long as you're true to yourself."
And the teens say they really get a lot out of the program as many of them keep coming back summer after summer. "You can really learn a lot through this program. It's great to work where there are so many talented people that work with us," said 17 year old Amanda Valdez who plays Charlotte. And Nick Hyett-Schnell who plays Evan said, "The cool thing about this program is that it's a great experience to do a show but it's also a learning experience."
So what is the future of the program? Well, that all depends how well the show is received and if they can continue to get support from audiences and the community. Huls says he hopes to one day expand the program into a year round one with acting classes and workshops. But for now they need to get through "13" and put on the best show they can.
Now it's our turn to help by coming out and seeing what these talented teens can do.
"13" performs at Renton's Carco Theatre from July 23rd through August 1st. For tickets or information contact the Renton Civic Theatre box office at 425-226-5529 or visit them online at