Review: CARNIVAL OF CURIOSITIES at The Can CanMarch 21, 2025Rejoice Dear Readers, as the Carnival is in town. But not your average carnival. No. This is the Can Can and to celebrate their 20th anniversary (yes, they’ve been titillating for 20 years) they’ve brought us a sultry, steamy, magical extravaganza with “Carnival of Curiosities”.
Review: WAITRESS at The 5th Avenue TheatreMarch 15, 2025Dear Readers, when the rights for local theaters to produce hit shows become available, or start to become available, you know every theater will be vying to be the first. One such show currently in this situation is Sara Bareilles and Jessie Nelson’s huge hit “Waitress”. And once those rights are out there, we get to see what the local houses can do. Are they up to the task or will it just be a pale imitation of the Broadway and touring runs? The 5th Avenue Theatre has stepped up to be the first in this case and I’m thrilled to say, with a top notch cast and some able direction this first in the area production of “Waitress” is smacked clean out of the park.
Review: MOTHER RUSSIA at The Seattle RepMarch 13, 2025If you’re at all familiar with the plays of Lauren Yee, Dear Readers, then you know of her delightfully odd situations, rich characters and scintillating dialog. People are still talking about last season’s “Cambodian Rock Band” but my favorite was her “King of the Yees”. Her work brings out the good and the bad in relationships and leaves you smiling or even giggling while tragedy strikes. And her latest, “Mother Russia”, with its World Premiere at the Seattle Rep, falls right in line with those other gems.
Review: LETTERS FROM MAX at Seattle Public TheaterMarch 1, 2025Dear Readers, I love a good play that can make me feel something. Not just tell me a story but immerse me in the subject. One such play is Sarah Ruhl’s “Letters From Max” currently playing at Seattle Public Theater. And while it certainly got to me, the play itself has some accessibility issues I need to discuss.
Review: THE LAST FIVE YEARS from ACT And The 5th Avenue TheatreFebruary 20, 2025Dear Readers, if you’re not familiar with the Jason Robert Brown love story, “The Last Five Years” currently being offered from ACT and The 5th Avenue Theatre, you could get a bit confused watching it. So be sure to read on to avoid confusion. But for myself, I’ve seen it a few different times. I’ve seen it with a larger cast than just the normal two people, I’ve seen a production that chose to change the intent of the breakup, and, of course, I’ve seen the movie. But the story isn’t what confused me in this production. No, my confusion came from trying to convince myself that these two people were now or ever in love. No chemistry. But we’ll touch on that more later as well.
Review: BLUES FOR AN ALABAMA SKY at Seattle RepFebruary 13, 2025Dear Readers, I’m all for a slice of life play showing the inequities in class, race, gender, etc. in the past and spotlighting how far we have not come. Such a play is Pearl Cleage’s “Blues for an Alabama Sky”, currently playing at the Seattle Rep. It’s not a new play; in fact it’s about 30 years old. But it still packs in some resonance. What it fails to pack in completely is much of an arc or ending for its characters.
Review: KIMBERLY AKIMBO at The Paramount TheatreJanuary 8, 2025Dear Readers, first off let me wish you a Happy New Year and here’s hoping we’re in for some outstanding theater in 2025. But for now let’s set the not so way back machine to 2021 where I managed to see a new musical in previews Off-Broadway, “Kimberly Akimbo”. And let me say, Readers, it didn’t blow me away. It was cute with some fun songs but didn’t thrill me. Then it went to Broadway, and everyone lost their minds over it, and it won the Tony. Now, here we are in 2025, and that same show is at the Paramount, and while I found it a tighter show and certainly adorable and charming, I still have issue with the lack of memorable songs and, honestly, its Tony win especially when stacked up against some other shows that season.
Review: BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE MUSICAL at The Paramount TheatreDecember 11, 2024Dear Readers, buckle up! Not because we’re about to go 88 mph but because I’m about to be a musical theater snob. The trend of turning popular (or even not so popular) movies into big splashy Broadway musicals is not a new one. And when it works such as with the likes of “Legally Blonde”, “Waitress”, or “Some Like It Hot”, it can be glorious. But for every one of those, you also get the likes of “Pretty Woman”, “Dirty Dancing”, or God forbid “Flashdance”. Shows that were better left on the silver screen. One such show is “Back to the Future: The Musical”, currently playing at the Paramount Theatre. And even if they could have gotten the car running (we’ll get to that in a minute) the show is still a travesty.
Review: BLITHE SPIRIT at Seattle RepDecember 5, 2024Dear Readers, I do love a good farce. That rollicking romp with oodles of physical comedy and improbable situations. Combine that with a good comedy of manners and it’s gold. What that spells is Noël Coward’s classic “Blithe Spirit” and lucky for us, it’s playing at the Seattle rep. And while there were a few little hiccups, the show is a laugh riot!
Review: MARY POPPINS at The 5th Avenue TheatreDecember 2, 2024Dear Readers, the magical stage musical of the beloved “Mary Poppins”, currently playing at the 5th Avenue Theatre, may not have been referring to live theater as a whole with their song “Anything Can Happen”, but that sentiment certainly applied to why we love live theater. With its inherent feel of spontaneity and risk, the energy of a live show is like nothing else. But with that spark of immediacy, also comes potential issues. Hell, just at another Broadway show recently, I saw a descending panel get caught on something for a moment on the way down, only to free itself and come down with a loud thud. The human factor can certainly affect live theater as well with illnesses and that human factor reared its ugly head last night. Not to worry, the folks at the 5th Ave handled it with grace. But we’ll get to that in a minute.
Review: A VERY DIE HARD CHRISTMAS at Seattle Public TheaterNovember 23, 2024Dear Readers, let’s set the way back machine to 2018 when Jeff Schell, The Habit Comedy Troupe, and Mark Siano in conjunction with Seattle Public Theater gifted us that holiday season with “A Very Die Hard Christmas”. Since then we’ve endured political turmoil and a pandemic, but the glory that is “Die Hard” keeps coming back to keep us sane and I’m thrilled to say they’re back and haven’t lost any of their hilarious luster.
Review: LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL at Village TheatreNovember 16, 2024Dear Readers, if you know my reviews then you know how picky I can be, especially with shows I love. One such show is certainly “Legally Blonde: The Musical”, currently playing at Village Theatre. I managed to see the original cast down in San Francisco and it’s always held a special place in my heart. Plus, I just think it’s an outstanding show. So, while I think the current Village production has oodles going for it in regards to talent and general all-around fun, there were just a few tiny things that kept it from blowing me away, the big one being that ineffable spark. But we’ll get to that.
Review: WICKED at The Paramount TheatreNovember 8, 2024Dear Readers, something struck me last night while watching the juggernaut musical “Wicked”, currently playing at the Paramount Theatre. No, it wasn’t a flying monkey. It’s just how incredible this show is. It’s withstood the test of time ever since it’s Broadway premiere back in 2003 even though it didn’t win the Tony for Best Musical (that year it went to “Avenue Q”). It’s still running on Broadway, there have been tour after tour, and now we even have a huge blockbuster movie version coming to theaters in a few weeks. But why? For that answer I think we should take a look at this current run which, while not my favorite viewing of the show, still exemplifies what makes this show great.
Review: PRIMARY TRUST at The Seattle RepNovember 7, 2024Dear Readers, really good storytelling doesn’t need flash and glitz. Sometimes, it just needs a touching story with solid performances. Such is Eboni Booth’s Pulitzer Prize winning play “Primary Trust” currently playing at the Seattle Rep. A sweet little unassuming story with a lovely arc.
Review: MRS. LOMAN IS LEAVING at ACTOctober 18, 2024Dear Readers, like many, I love a good rollicking backstage comedy. One of those plays within a play where we get to peek behind the stage and check out the antics happening beyond. The classic “Noises Off” for example has always been one of my favorites. Now, along comes this new work from Katie Forgette, 'Mrs. Loman is Leaving', currently at ACT, and while certainly having more than a few funny moments, for a show that makes it very clear to be focused on the oft forgotten Mrs. Loman, and women in general, the resolution of her story arc felt a bit rushed and unsatisfying.
Review: THE PARK at Seattle Public TheaterOctober 12, 2024Dear Readers, I’m all for new works, especially well written new works such as “The Park” by Lisa Every and Jenn Ruzumna, currently performing at Seattle Public Theatre. But as much as I liked the dialog in “The Park” it fell into two of my least favorite traps, a lack of point or reason for the piece as well as the dreaded someone else’s therapy on stage.
Review: THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH at The Seattle RepOctober 3, 2024Dear Readers, I’m all for a show poking fun at darker, heavier topics. Hell, there’s a comedy on Broadway right now centered around the night President Lincoln was shot. But if you have something funny or poignant to say, make sure it’s not the same bit for two and a half hours such as was the case with the Seattle Rep’s current production of Thornton Wilder’s “The Skin of Our Teeth”.
Review: FUNNY GIRL at The Paramount TheatreSeptember 25, 2024And now we have the tour, currently playing at The Paramount Theatre. And it looks like the producers have learned their lesson with the “stunt casting” and just brought in people who can handle the part, such as Hannah Shankman as the irrepressible Fanny Brice, who is making her debut with the tour here in Seattle. And she has certainly left her mark on the role and on our town.
Review: ABACUS from Red Rover Theatre CompanySeptember 20, 2024Dear Readers, it looks like we have a new show topic trend hitting us square in our CPU, artificial intelligence and how it’s becoming more and more a part of our world. There’s a new musical about robots falling in love about to start on Broadway. And in the last week I’ve seen two shows in this vein, the latest, “Abacus” by Duane Kelly from Red Rover Theatre Company, currently playing at West of Lenin, is sweet but needs more and less to say simultaneously.
Review: THE ADDING MACHINE from The FeastSeptember 15, 2024The machines are coming for our livelihoods, Dear Readers. That was the fear a century ago with the 1923 play “The Adding Machine” by Elmer Rice. And that sentiment still holds true today with many terrified of the advancements of Artificial Intelligence or AI. And that’s what this new production “The Adding Machine: A Cyborg Morality Play” from The Feast (formerly The Williams Project) capitalizes on, creating a thoughtful and timely bent on a classic.