Getting up on stage by yourself is, to say the least, a daunting task. If you forget a line, or a bit of staging, there's no one there to turn to other than you. So it's a good thing we have such amazing talent here in Seattle to pull it off. This is why Theatre Off Jackson is back with their 5th annual Solo Performance Festival (SPF #5). And while I was only able to catch two of the seven acts running over the next few weeks, if the others are anything like these two, then who needs a full cast as these performers have enough talent and energy for 100 people.
In my opinion there are three basic levels of a drag show. There's the drag show where the performers lip sync to others songs. Then there's the drag review where the performers are actually singing for themselves. And then there's the drag act where the performer sings for them self and also has an underlying character and story to go along with the show. Well, Jerick Hoffer's one man ... er ... woman show "Turning Parlor Tricks" co-written and directed by Keira McDonald, takes things beyond that to a fourth level by creating an engaging character who is not only a talented singer but engaging, funny and, at times, moving and completely disappears into the character.
Hoffer has created the wonderful character of Deirdre A. Irwin (no relation to me that I know of), the world's most famous Transsexual Psychic, Medium and Lounge Act. And in between communing with the spirits of her audience members, she also channels stars that have gone over to the other side to entertain us. Stars such as Eartha Kitt, Karen Carpenter and Patsy Cline. And along the way we also explore more about Deirdre as she explains her journey of becoming a Transsexual Psychic, Medium and Lounge Act.
Hoffer is not only playing a character, he becomes her. His voice is superb and his act is hilarious. And he embodies each of his "celebri-deads" perfectly. I actually only went that night to see one of the solo shows and it wasn't Hoffer's. But I'm so glad I got there early to catch her act as well.
Terri Weagant has already exploded onto the Seattle theater scene leaving her indelible mark with performances in "The Cider House Rules", "Act a Lady" and "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe" to name just a few. So it should come as no surprise that she can pull off a one woman show with no difficulties. What may surprise you is the level at which you will be moved, both in humor and in heart by her latest endeavor.
Written by Celene Ramadan and directed by David Gassner, the show explores the archetypes and significance of Karaoke performers through the jaded eyes of a veteran KJ (Karaoke Jockey). Terri (as the character is named as well) has seen and been through it all. And because of that she has a few rules if you want in her Karaoke night. No musical theater duets, no yelling into the mic, and for God's sake, leave a tip! And she is not shy about sharing with us the usual performers who have brought her to this level of Karaoke hell she has found herself in. If you're familiar with Karaoke nights, I'm sure you'll recognize some, if not all of these people. You may even be one of them! But more than just a funny list of characters, Terri breaks through these stereotypes and ultimately discovers more about her own choices.
If you're lucky enough to see this, you'll start with laughing your ass off. There were times I actually couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. (Gotta love those "Sorostitutes"!) But then beyond the hilarity, we get to see what has made Weagant one of the shining stars of the Seattle scene as she takes this multimedia experience into an extremely thoughtful and poignant place. Basically, "Karaoke Suicide is Painless" is too many levels of AWESOMENESS!
Photo credit: David Wulzen
And that's only two of the shows out of this year's Solo Performance Festival. I can only imagine what the rest have to offer.
The Solo Performance Festival #5 is performing at Theatre Off Jackson through May 7th. For a complete schedule of the two shows I mentioned or any of the other shows at the festival, visit them online at