The multimedia comedian outlines his master plan to save humanity at the Edinburgh Fringe!
How do you fix climate change? Ted Hill thinks he has the answers.
The surprise elements of Hill’s PowerPoint-based comedy start the moment you enter The Crate. Audience participation is a large element of the show so be ready to pay Hill a compliment when prompted!
A particular highlight includes a gag involving Jesus and chemistry, as Hill puts forward his case on how he alone will solve the climate crisis, bringing Gandhi and polar bears into his master plan.
The odd moment fell flat for this particular audience and the climate change hook felt like something we needed to be reminded of more than a solid thread throughout, but Hill is clearly skilled in silliness and slide presentations – impressive given the software so often has the opposite effect in many a meeting.
As the title of the show implies, Hill’s plans may not necessarily fix climate change, but they will certainly entertain you!
Ted Hill: Tries and Fails to Fix Climate Change at Assembly George Square until 27 August