Tell us a bit about your show.
Together Alone shows the sensitive and very fragile relations of a two-person entity on a scale where every choice and little movement determines the outcome of the dance. During the performance we, the two dancers, remain in physical connection, which challenges both the awareness of the movement and our sense of unity and partnership. Nudity, which is very present in the performance, helps the viewer 'listen' to the details in this physical connection which would normally be hidden.
It also highlights the neutralisation of hierarchy and power roles. Visually the work is strikingly clean and open. The hand-made neon light-work by Wang Ding-yeh is an expressive, monumental power above us, which gives your view of the show a further perspective both conceptually and visually. Together Alone is a solo about dancing together, which counters individual loneliness with the power of being together.
Why bring it to the Fringe?
I think it'll challenge audiences in Edinburgh. It'll require them to be able to listen carefully and enable them to meditate on the landscape we create onstage. Also, I believe the show deserves to be witnessed by many eyes. I'm looking forward to meeting programmers as well, and hope the show will catch their interest which will help it to tour even more.
What sets it apart from other dance shows at the festival?
Since I don't yet know the full programme it's quite hard to tell, but one thing is true: we are sharing something very intimate on stage with this show. It is somehow a love duet, although we never refer to it like this and the show has nothing to do with that style. Still, we are a married couple, and we love to dance and especially with each other. We are sharing how unity is both challenging and harmonious at times.
Who would you recommend comes to see your show?
Basically anyone, although we do perform nude, and so whoever finds nude people disturbing, well, this may not be your kind of show... But even with that, all of the feedback we've gotten about nudity in Together Alone was positive since we don't at all abuse the nude body. I very much welcome people interested in dance or the performing arts to attend, as it could feel like you're seeing a gentle yet tension-filled performance.
Are there any other performances you're hoping to catch at the festival?
Many. I hope Shit-Faced Shakespeare will perform again; I loved them last year.
Timings and ticket information for Together Alone are available on the edfringe website.
Photo Credit: Hsin-Che Lee