Tell us a bit about The Sound of Extras.
My play, 'The Sound of Extras', was borne out of a love for 'The Sound of Music' and a total infatuation with Julie Andrews. I have been in love with the woman since my formative teenage years and, although she doesn't know this yet, she is to be the next Mrs Hennessy.
What was the inspiration behind the play?
Seriously, I had always wondered what it would have been like to have a bit part in a favourite film, especially one as iconic as this. Although the research was quite extensive (what could be included in the script; what was yet to be invented? The scene where the bell ringer is CGI'd onto the alpine backdrop had to be cut) ?? it was a labour of love due to the aforementioned betrothal.
Your programme blurb promises "high camp"- just how camp are we talking?
Camp? You will see two grown women dressed as certain characters from the film (which characters, I'm not prepared to tell!) but we have reclaimed the Drama Queens name for camp middle aged women - one gay (me), one straight (Jennie) and how can two fanatics of the best Hollywood musical of all time NOT be the littlest bit camp.
Why bring it to Edinburgh?
Why Edinburgh? Jennie and I always bring my work to the Fringe and we have made many friends and have a loyal following, so why disappoint them, and us at the same time? This will be our 5th year on the trot and it was time we paid homage to Dame Julie. We also LOVE the Fringe, Edinburgh and the fabulous Fringe people. So why not?
Who would you recommend comes to see The Sound of Extras?
We would suggest that everyone would get something out of the production. It's certainly a family show (although it's not a children's show).
All nationalities seem to enjoy the musical, so what better way than to come together and have a wonderful time with the friends and fans of TSOM you have yet to meet.
Timings and ticket information for The Sound of Extras are available on the edfringe website.