BWW speaks to Angus Dunican about his 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show The Vanity Project.
What can you tell us about The Vanity Project?
It's your basic stand-uppy, storytelly, you'll laugh, you'll cry, it'll change you lifey kind of deal.
What was the inspiration for the show?
I started off wanting to write this thing about about how we routinely shed our skins as we get older and it's funny comparing yourself to the prat you used to be. However, after a bit, this larger theme emerged that was more broadly to do with how we tell people how to 'see' us. Also, an old buddy of mine departed this dimension and thinking about him helped coagulate a lot of the ideas. He was, in the words of Hunter Thompson, "one of God's own prototypes.". I guess it's about how we co-opt people into telling our story for us.
Have you performed at the festival before and do you think you know what to expect from it?
I've done three compilation shows, two solo hours and a play, so Edinburgh and I are kind of old mates now. That said, this is my first time on the paid Fringe since about 2004 and my first time ever with the Gilded Balloon, so in a lovely way it's all new.
Who would you recommend comes to see The Vanity Project?
I try and write stuff that appeals to fans of spoken word/live literature as well as comedy fans, so if you're the sort of human that usually goes to see that kind of thing, then I'd love to have you. To be honest though, I think you'll really like the show if you've ever had someone in your life that you never quite figured out.
What's next for you after Edinburgh?
In the long term: a tour of the show, launching my new writing/mixed brief podcast entitled 'One Day, I Shall Come Back' lots of improv with my two improve teams ('The Diodes' and 'Jack Left Town') and probably more filming of various things at some point.
In the short term: My usual September of tea and video games.
Timings and ticket information for Angus Dunican: The Vanity Project are available on the edfringe website.