Renowned street magician Paul Zenon is not performing a magic show at this years festival. However, that does not mean that Linking Rings is not magical. Zenon begins his story at age 12, when he had just become fascinated with a film about the life of Houdini. He had a keen interest in magic and on a family holiday to Blackpool he met his mentor Bill.
Bill owned a magic shop and by his second summer in Blackpool had offered young Zenon a job in his shop. What follows is a delightful tale of friendship interspersed with facts about Houdini's relationship with his right hand man, drawing comparisons between himself and Bill.
Alongside the storytelling, Zenon performs subtle but impressive magic illusions. His scene setting for the piece is also amazing - particular stand-out moments were the recreation of the magic show and later, a nightclub setting.
Underneath this interesting and often funny piece of storytelling is a surprisingly emotional tale. Zenon is a very engaging performer but I found myself willing him to stop because it wasn't so much "tugging at the heart strings" as ripping them straight out. By some sort of strange coincidence this is the third Fringe show I've seen this year either about, or featuring, Harry Houdini. However, this is a much different show to the others I have seen and has a really personal feel to it.
Ticket information for Linking Rings is available on the edfringe website.