There is quite the buzz surrounding The Titanic Orchestra and some of that might be down to the leading man; John Hannah returning to the Edinburgh Fringe for the first time in over twenty years.
A group of tramps stand by the train tracks every day in the hope that a train will stop and take them away from their current sparse surroundings. But the trains never stop. Until one day, the train leaves behind a man who claims to be Harry Houdini. He impresses most of his new companions with illusions (along with me - where did that egg come from?) although their ringleader is not convinced.
The group believe that these trains could take them anywhere in Europe and is the answer to all of their problems. But Harry points out that none of them are prepared for what would happen once they were actually on the train. He says he will help them but not before they are ready, and not without a steady supply of alcohol!
Although the programme describes The Titanic Orchestra as a comedy, I don't feel that is entirely appropriate. There are a few laughs but overall this is a very well written drama. The acting is superb and the play is very well written. There are several twists and turns throughout. Some of the play is a little surreal but I think that's what I enjoyed so much!
Ticket information for The Titanic Orchestra can be found on the edfringe website.