The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre is a comedy sketch show which features parody songs and discussion of current affairs.
The opportunity for audience interaction falls flat as the socks ask how everyone is voting in the independence referendum and are met with a stony silence. They try to identify which percentage of the audience are Scottish and it turns out that the majority are from England and so they ask, "What would Scotland lose if we parted ways?" Nobody could think of a particularly good response and that led into a rather clunky link about pop music so the socks could launch into a Mumford and Sons parody.
There is a strong political theme through the sock puppet show and they also ask everyone how they voted in the European elections. Listing through the parties they declare "being a Tory in Scotland is a bit like being gay in 1966" as their question as to who voted Conservative is also met with silence.
There are several references to some of the jokes not working or that people maybe didn't get them and I would have thought that halfway through the Fringe maybe some of the material that didn't go down so well would have been reworked.
Before the performance started they were playing audio of a sock puppet parody song "We Will Sock You" which was brilliant and very cleverly done - but this didn't appear in the actual show which was a shame.
The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre (And So Am I) runs at the Gilded Balloon until August 24th.