“Snow Falling on Cedars”, written by David Guterson, adapted for the stage by Kevin McKeon, and directed by Kevin McKeon is set to be presented by Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS) March 18 - April 10, 2010, at the Nevada Theatre. Auditions for the show will take place on Saturday, October 17, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Sunday, October 18, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.. Callbacks by invitation: Monday, October 19, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.. Auditions are set to be hled at the Nevada Theatre, 401 Broad St., Nevada City. Rehearsals will commence on February 8, 2010.
Roles Available:
Dramatic play needs multicultural cast of 13 adult Asian and non-Asian men and women (from late 20’s to 70’s) playing 44 parts. Principal roles: Ishmael Chambers (CaucasIan Male, late 20’s to 30’s), Hatsue (Imada) Miyamoto (Asian female, late 20’s to 30’s), Kabuo Miyamoto (AsIan Male, late 20’s to 30’s), Carl Heine, Jr., (CaucasIan Male, late 20’s to 30’s); Etta Heine (Caucasian female, 40’s to 60’s); Alvin Hooks (male, late 30’s to 40’s); and Nels Gudmundsson (male, late 50’s to 70’s).
Audition Details:
No monologues required. Readings from sides.
Please contact CATS Artistic Director, Lisa Moon at 530-273-6362 or e-mail chanmoon@pacbell.net to register.
Headshots and resumes required.