The Tony Award®-winning Old Globe is pleased to announce a casting call for San Diego-based boys and girls (ages 6-15) for its 2009 production of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The production dates are: 1st rehearsal 10/19/09; 1st preview 11/21/10; Opening 11/27/10; Closing 12/27/09. We are searching for girls ages 6-12 for the role of “Cindy Lou,” boys and girls ages 6-12 for “Who Family” and ensemble roles, and boys and girls ages 13-15 for the “Teen Ensemble.” To apply, please submit child’s picture, resume (inc. height & weight) parent name and daytime contact information (including e-mail address) to: Grinch Auditions, The Old Globe, PO Box 122171, San Diego, CA 92112-2171, Auditions will be held (by appointment only) on Saturday, July 25th and Sunday, July 26th. Callbacks will be held the following weekend.
Girls auditioning for “Cindy Lou” must be ages 6-12 and no taller than 50”. Children auditioning for the “Who Family” and ensemble roles must be ages 6-12 and no taller than 60”. Those auditioning for the “Teen Ensemble” must be ages 13-15 and no taller than 65”. Requirements may be found at: All actors auditioning must be residents of San Diego County and should not be members of Actors’ Equity. Once it’s been determined that your child meets the criteria outlined above, you will be contacted by July 20th via e-mail with audition details, so please include a valid e-mail address with your submission. No phone calls, please.
The rehearsal/performance schedule requires that your child miss time from school (amount of time varies according to the role). We have a studio teacher to help children keep up with class work, but please only submit your child for an audition if you are comfortable with them missing school during this time. All children are double–cast and will perform approximately four to five times per week, including several mid-week matinees. All children will be paid minimum wage ($6.80 per hr).Videos