The Board and Staff of Diversionary Theatre hosted guests from Las Patronas, The Parker Foundation and San Diego City Councilmember Todd Gloria at the ribbon-cutting at the completion of the wheelchair lift installation project on Tuesday, July 14, 2009.
The new lift was part of a $294,000 project that replaced the 14-year-old wheelchair lift and brought the installation area up to current building codes and ADA standards. The lift provides access for elderly and differently-abled patrons to get from the first floor to the second floor theatre space.Diversionary raised $171,000 in gifts over the past fourteen months for the project, including lead gifts of $36,635 from Las Patronas and $35,000 from The Parker Foundation. Las Patronas is committed to providing financial assistance to nonprofit organizations in San Diego County that provide valuable community services in the areas of health, education, social services and cultural arts, and to continuing our tradition of service to enhance the quality of life in our community. The Parker Foundation was founded in 1971 for charitable purposes leading to the betterment of life for all people of San Diego County. Former City Councilmember Toni Atkins allocated $12,000 from District 3 for the project through discretionary TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) funds designated to each Council District. An anonymous donor gave a challenge match of $25,000, and the following Foundations each gave $5,000 each: Blachford-Cooper Foundation, Mandell Weiss Charitable Trust, Kenneth & Harle Montgomery Foundation and Price-Galinson Collaborative Fund. Community member Maureen Steiner also gave a major gift.