Whatever way you choose to work through your thoughts, always remember the reason why you do what you do.
In this profession, we normally think of vocal care and rest as the number one priority. While it is high up on the list so is taking care of our brain and mental state. This is a tough business with many rejections and heartbreaks. I'm sure most of the advice you've heard is "suck it up and build up thick skin". This is true to an extent; we do need thick skin in order to not break down after every failed audition.
However, we also need to give ourselves credit and practice self-love and care every day. I find that taking walks works best for me. Walking helps you talk out your feelings and organize your thoughts with a clear head. Whatever way you choose to work through your thoughts, always remember the reason why you do what you do. We all are passionate about this for a specific reason.
Remember that reason and it will get you through every day. That reason will get you through every failed audition. That reason will help you say "you know what self, this audition may not have been the best" or "I might not have gotten the part I wanted, but I went out there and did my best". Every audition is just more experience and one step closer to that dream role. The people that will succeed in this business are the people who don't give up easily. So take some time and focus on your mental health; it will all be worth it in the end.