Stray Cat Theatre announces auditions for the first two shows in its 2009/10 season: David Harrower's Blackbird & Stephen Karam's Speech and Debate. Both shows directed by Ron May.
Auditions are set to be held Sunday, August 16th from 11am-5pm by appointment only. If you can not make this day, contact them and they'll see if they can work something out. Auditions will be held at the Tempe Performing Arts Center (the kicky old school one, not the new one) - 132 E. 6th Street at Forest Ave. in Downtown Tempe, near Arizona State University.Blackbird:Una - late 20s, F: surface of control, wit, maturity but profoundly wounded just under the skin. Had a sexual relationship with Ray when she was 12 and he was 40.
Ray - mid-50s, M: consciously even-tempered, wounded. Had a sexual relationship with Una when she was 12 and he was 40.
Solomon - 16, M: serious, intelligent, awkward, preppy, uncomfortable in his own skin.
Diwata - 17, F: frumpy, friendless, one-eighth Filipino, popstar wanna-be, killer singing voice.
Howie, 18, M: quick tempered, artsy, jaded, openly gay, new to town, new to this school.
Teacher/Reporter, 40's, F: plays the adult roles/several voice overs.
Actors auditioning for the teenagers in Speech and Debate are also asked to bring their American Idol audition: 16 or so bars of an acapella pop song. All three teenagers must be able to at least hold a tune. Diwata, hopefully, can sing!
Rhearsals for Blackbird begin on or around 8.24.09, runs 9.25.09-10.10.09.
Rehearsals for Speech and Debate begin on or around 10.27.09, runs 12.4.09-12.19.09.
All performers are paid a small stipend.To schedule an audition email rmay [at]* or call 480.227.1766. Auditions are by appointment only.
* Please send a message including:Videos