Lyric Theatre is set to hold auditions for its production of Sweeney Todd. They will be casting the following roles: Sweeny Todd, Anthony Hope, Johanna, Beggar Woman, Tobias Ragg, Judge Turpin, The Beadel, Pirelli, and Jonas Fogg. They are also looking for 5 Ensemble members/principal covers.
Local auditions will be held at the ThElma Gaylord Academy/Lyric Production Center (1801 NW 16th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73106) September 8th from 3pm-8pm and September 9th from 2pm-5pm. Call backs will be held from 6pm-8pm.Call 405-524-9310 for an appointment beginning August 24th. Prepare 16 bars from the show.If interested in a particular role please sing a song for that character.
New York auditions:
Agent submission auditions
September 15th 10am-6pm
September 16th 10am-6pm
Breakdowns will be released August 26th, 2009
Rhearsals begin:
October 6th, 2009
Tues.-Fri. 7pm-11pm
Sat. 10am-6pm
Sun. 2pm-10pm
Monday Day Off