Jess here. College is a big step for any student; whether attending a local university or traveling halfway across the country to submerge yourself in a completely new pool. I recently relocated to attend school, and suddenly trying to find a sense of stability and balance at an unfamiliar location 'far-far away' from home has triggered a mix of many unexpected emotions, some good and some not-so-good. I just completed my first actual week of college, and I thought I'd share some insight with my fellow college newbies and soon-to-be collegiate thespians.
If you're anything like me, then you may suffer from a degree of social anxiety. However, the interesting and often unrecognized truth is that most everyone else who is new to campus is just as nervous about fitting in as you are, myself included. Finding the people you want to surround yourself with should happen naturally, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm not trying to be part of a group. It just happens organically. Try not to stress about it because you'll most definitely find your scene, along with some really amazing people who you look forward to spending the next four years with.
This one is directed to my fellow performing arts students: try not to compare yourself to others too much. Just because you're surrounded by talented people doesn't mean that they're a threat to you. Aspire to learn from them, because no two people are good at exactly the same things. Everyone is destined to advance their craft while making their way through the college experience, and your rate of improvement is up to you, not your peers. Don't blame other students for your shortcomings.
Being homesick is a given. Regardless of how close you are to your family before you leave, you're bound to miss them. The distance between you doesn't mean that you should/have to lose touch. Call your parents, or text them if you prefer. They've had your back for the last 18 years. Don't leave them behind.
Lastly, and very importantly, INVEST IN A PRINTER. Getting a printer is the best decision I've made since I got here. You'll need one, especially as a performing arts student, and it will definitely pay off in the long run.
Always remember, you are meant to be here. Don't let self-doubt take control of your actions. Take full advantage of the situation you're in. Your presence is not a mistake, and don't ever let anyone make you feel otherwise.
Being a new college student is scary. No doubt about it. But everyone figures it out. It's only my first week and I'm still confused about everything I'm doing, but that's ok.
I wish you all a prosperous and successful school year and I can't wait to see what the future has in store.
"I remember days, or at least I try, but as years go by, they're a sort of haze." -Stephen Sondheim